3 ways to start nurturing your life.
Walk your path...nurture your life.
It is a funny thing, this thing called life. We get up every day and get going... For many of us the days are full and the nights we spend wrapping up the day and prepping for the next. However, when asked about our day we go blank. Some people might respond with a vague description: it was fine. Some may begin to list all the tasks completed. Others still will tell you all the things that went wrong that day. When we begin to string together those vague, task filled, and frustrating days, it is no wonder that we might feel discontent or disconnected from our lives.
So the big question...How can we begin to change that?
I like to think about life like a garden. When you water your garden, pull the weeds, trim the dead leaves, and add fertilizer, you will have a growing a beautiful garden. However, if you plant your garden and then walk away and hope it grows, you will end up with a garden full of weeds and dead plants. Our lives are the same. In order to grow and thrive, we need to nurture ourselves and our lives.
Let's look at 3 ways that we can start nurturing our lives:
Set Intentions- Before you start your week set your intention for the week. Our weeks can go in many different directions, so setting our intentions help us to have a focus point to connect with and a purpose to drive us forward. Your intention can be a feeling, a plan, or a combination of the two. Examples- I will focus on what I am grateful for this week. I will be focused on finishing my project by Friday, so I can feel relief and accomplishment over the weekend. I am going to try something new this week. I am going to take 10 minutes all to myself each day this week. The list is endless...
Add a healthy dose of Love- When you truly love something, you take care of it! Your life needs your love. How can you put love into all you do in your days and weeks. Ideas: Do something you love to do. Spend time with people you love. Give yourself time to refuel. Look for things you love throughout each day(colors, sights, flavors, smells,etc.) When you have a task, think about things you like about doing it...
Celebrate your Wins- At the end of each day take a moment to celebrate your wins! Each day has winning moments, so take the time to notice them and celebrate it. This practice will fuel your confidence and get you looking for what's going right instead of what's going wrong. You can write them down, say them out loud, just sit and think about them over a glass of wine, or talk about them with a friend or spouse.
It is time to start nurturing your life. Each day will bring growth, each day holds a win, and each day is full of love. Look for it, tend to it, and embrace it!
-Cheers to the One Amazing You