I am a Hawaii based Life Coach specializing in personal development, creating work/life balance and building on the client’s strengths.
My Mission: To empower my clients to create and live a life that allows them to embrace their authentic selves, reach their goals and align with their values.
As an iPEC trained and certified coach, I partner with my clients to make sustainable change in their lives. Coaching provides support and a partnership with clients to uncover, build, design their dreams
and uncover potential.
We work to get to the core energy of thoughts and actions allowing the clients to shift their perspectives and see new opportunities. I support my clients as they develop and create thoughts, habits, and actions that work towards meeting goals and honoring their values. I meet my clients where they are and I work with them to get where they want to be.
Having a coach is a life changing experience when it is combined with the passion and commitment of a client that wants to live their life on purpose!
Out of college I followed a passion of mine, fashion, and went to work for Nordstrom as a department manager. I worked there for seven years, moved to larger department responsibilities and began training new hires in the art of selling in the Nordstrom culture. I was looking at the possibility of moving into regional merchandising or eventually becoming a buyer, when my husband and I decided to shift gears and start a family. When my son was born, all the priorities in my life shifted. I originally thought I would go back to work, but looking at my newborn baby I knew plans were going to have to change. We evaluated our options and my husband started looking for a new job that would allow me to spend some time at home being a full time mom.
In my new “Home CEO” position I had some conflicting feelings. I loved being a mom, but part of me felt like I was not as important. No title, no busy work schedule, no morning meetings, and no accolades for a job well done. I had lost a big part of my identity and the mom identity was still a work in progress. I had to take some time to adjust, relook at what I truly valued in my life at that point, and move forward in my new role.
Soon after we made this life change, my husband was offered a new job located in Hawaii. With family living there and of course the fact that it is Hawaii, we decided to make the move from Washington State to the Rainbow State! Upon arrival we found sun, sand, and a very demanding job for my husband. He was busy learning a new job and I found myself surrounded by natural beauty, but lacking my social support system. An opportunity came up for me to work 4-8 hours a week at a locally owned clothing boutique. That opportunity allowed me to get out and meet people, have a touch of outside-the-home responsibility, and still spend most of my time being a mom.
For a while this worked out great! However, little by little I took on more hours and more responsibility. I figured that I liked the challenge, I had the experience, and I am a good multitasker, so why not! After having our second child, I began to work from home part time and at the store part time. Baby in hand, I was interviewing and training new employees, running errands, organizing and running outside events for the store, and trying to create systems for a growing staff and shop.
Soon the line between work and home became blurry. My life was getting so out of balance that I was feeling overwhelmed and out of control. Nothing felt quite right. When I was with the kids, I felt like I should be working. When I was working, I felt like I needed to be getting things done around the house. When I was getting stuff done around the house, I felt like I was missing out on quality time with my family! I was on a merry-go-round that would not stop. I was going really fast and not getting anywhere. It was time for a life intervention! The merry-go-round had to come to a screeching halt so I could figure out where I was going and why.
I took some time off, stepped out of my management role and started to piece my life back together again. It was time for me to look at what I really wanted to do when I grew up. I realized that up until this point I did whatever was the best option at the time without looking at the possibility that I could create my own options. I wanted to be a wife and a mother first and foremost, but there was a part of me itching to have a professional aspect to my life as well.
What did I love about my jobs?
What was I truly interested in?
How can I use my life, time and knowledge to help others?
Fast forward to now…After taking some time off, evaluating what I love to do, going through training and certification, I am right where I want to be. I am a mom, a wife, and a Coach. I have stepped off my merry-go-round and now I am going to help you get off of yours so that you can find the balance and direction you are looking for. We all have our own challenges. We have gifts, talents, voices, and dreams. Let’s take the next steps together to reach those goals and find the peace and fulfillment waiting on the other side.
Life is a journey and each moment is a destination, so let's enjoy every moment!